
Monday, August 31, 2015

Benefits of CO2 Refrigeration

You may not know this, but since the 1800s, mechanical systems have depended on CO2 refrigeration. Over time, synthetic refrigerants like Freon became more popular due to lower pressure. Today, however, they're being phased out due to their negative impact on the environment.

Benefits of CO2 Refrigeration

CO2 refrigeration offers a variety of benefits. It's...
  • Non-flammable
  • Nontoxic 
  • Inexpensive
  • Low global warming potential (GWP)
  • Environmentally-friendly
  • Resilient
  • ost-effective
The benefits of CO2 refrigeration are becoming ever more obvious. That's why so many supermarkets, warehouses, and other facilities are switching to CO2 refrigeration systems.

If bottom line is of utmost importance to you, you'll be happy to know that we anticipate annual savings of as much as 1/5 of your bill if you switch to transcritical CO2 refrigeration systems. Plus, they offer a short term payback period on higher installation costs.

East Coast Refrigeration offers a variety of CO2 refrigeration systems, from transcritical to hybrid. Allow us help bring your business to the 21st century! Dial (631) 249-4556 today, and don't forget to connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and YouTube.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Tips for Increasing the Lifespan of Your Commercial Refrigerator

Refrigeration units aren't exactly known for living long lives. And while a lot of it depends on make, model and size, a little TLC goes a long way. With that said, follow these tips to increase the lifespan of your commercial refrigerator:

1. Clean those condenser coils

Just because they're tucked away doesn't mean you can ignore them. Your commercial refrigeration unit's condenser coils will accumulate quite a bit of dust over time, so try to vacuum them every six months. Doing so will help prevent your unit from being overworked.

2. Keep it away from sources of heat

Tips for Increasing the Lifespan of Your Commercial Refrigerator

This is especially relevant if you work in a commercial kitchen. Heat-producing appliances -- like stoves and ovens -- can make your commercial refrigeration equipment work harder to stay cold. You should also keep your unit out of direct sunlight.

3. Only open the door when necessary

Try to grab whatever you need from your commercial refrigerator in as few trips as possible. Why? Because each time you open the door, cool air seeps out. Overdo it and your equipment will have to work harder to cool down the food you're storing.

If your commercial refrigeration unit is malfunctioning, it doesn't mean you need to replace it. Contact the experts of East Coast Refrigeration for a repair that costs a fraction of the cost of buying brand new. We service the entire Northeast, so call us at (631) 249-4556 for emergency service!

Want more tips from East Coast Refrigeration? Let's connect on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and YouTube.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

3 Reasons to Recycle Your Old Commercial Refrigerator

Upgrading your commercial kitchen? Adding new equipment to your store or restaurant? If so, you may be wondering what to do with your old commercial refrigerator!

3 Reasons to Recycle Your Old Commercial Refrigerator

We at East Coast Refrigeration urge you to recycle these appliances. Commercial refrigeration units often contain materials that can negatively impact the environment. Recycling is a better option than simply throwing it out, and here's why:

1. It's eco-friendly

Recycle your old refrigeration equipment to help protect the environment. This is especially important if your commercial refrigeration unit uses a toxic refrigerant.

2. You may be eligible for a rebate

Government and private rebates are available throughout the country. What could be better than getting cash for your old refrigeration equipment?

3. It's the law

Too many people don't know that older commercial refrigeration units are actually classified as hazardous waste. That's because they contain outdated, harmful refrigerant. Failing to properly dispose of your old commercial refrigeration is actually against the law.

To find a refrigerator or freezer recycling program near you, visit ENERGY STAR's website.

Not sure if it's time to recycle your commercial refrigeration equipment yet? It's possible that you simply need a quality repair. Contact East Coast Refrigeration to speak with our service team. We are experienced and factory trained on all major manufacturers.

For more tips, connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and YouTube.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Did You Know You Could Freeze These Foods?

When you buy and keep large quantities of perishable foods, there's always a chance that you won't use it all before it spoils. Don't be afraid to use that walk-in freezer!

There are lots of foods you probably didn't know you could freeze. Below, we outline a few:

1. Milk

Whether you run a coffee shop or a restaurant, you need to have milk -- and lots of it -- on hand. If you've bought too much and you're worried it's going to expire, pour a little bit out and put it in the freezer. When you're ready to use it, allow it to thaw in the refrigerator, and be sure to give it a good shake.

2. Butter

Butter is a staple of any commercial kitchen, from bakeries to delis. To keep it fresher longer, keep it inside its original wrapping and put inside an airtight bag. Allow it to thaw overnight in the refrigerator when you're ready to use it.

3. Herbs
Did You Know You Could Freeze These Foods? 
Freeze herbs at their freshest to ensure they stay moist and hold onto their flavor. Chop them up, and put them into an ice tray filled halfway with water. When you're ready to put your herbs to use, just plop the ice cubes into your dish. Your customers will prefer the taste over dried spices! 

For more foods you didn't know you could freeze, check out The Daily Meal's slideshow.

Need a bigger freezer? Contact East Coast Refrigeration at 631-249-4556 and ask about our walk-in freezers. We pride ourselves on offering affordable, reliable products with matched performance designed for all types of applications.

Plus, get more tips by connecting with us across social media:

Monday, August 10, 2015

Tips for Buying the Right Ice Machine

It is essential you choose the right ice machine for your commercial business the first time! The right type of ice machine depends on the industry you are in. Keep reading and refer to the charts below for tips on selecting the perfect machine for your business:

Food Service Industry
Fast Food: 8 oz. per 16 oz. cup
Restaurant: 1.8 lbs. per patron
Cocktail: 3 lbs. per patron
Salad Bar: 40 lbs. per cubic foot

Hotels/ Lodging
Guest Use: 5 lbs. per room
Cocktail: 3 lbs. per guest
Restaurant: 1.8 lbs. per patron
Catering: 1 lb. per guest

Healthcare Industry
Patients: 10 lbs. per bed
Cafeteria: 1 lb. per person

It is important you don't have too much or too little of ice. Either will potentially decrease profit. A good way to calculate just the right amount is to average the number of people you serve a day plus the amount you use in your kitchen.

Now that you know how much ice you will need each day, it is crucial to determine which ice is the best to select for your business:

Flaked Ice:
  • Does not use as much energy as others to produce
  • Is easier to configure and mold for things salad bars, meats or seafood displays
  • Ideal for healthcare and childcare environments due to the fact that it reduces choking hazards
  • Best used at: hospital and daycare cafeterias, salad bars, poultry, fish and blended drinks
Cubed Ice:
  • Comes in whole/half pieces
  • Has high density which makes it slower to melt and cool drinks faster
  • Best used for: cocktails and beverages, ice dispenser machines and retail stores
Nugget Ice:
  • Softer than cubed but more dense than flaked
  • Tends to be a top choice by customers for beverages
  • Can be used in product displays or salad bars
At East Coast Refrigeration we are here for all your ice machine and commercial refrigeration needs! We service Long Island, Queens, Brooklyn, the Bronx, NYC and the entire Northeastern United States. Give us a call today at (631)249-4556. Don't forget to connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and YouTube!

Friday, August 7, 2015

Commercial Refrigeration Maintenance Checklist

Proper maintenance of your refrigeration equipment can increase both its life and efficiency. In restaurants about 50 percent of their energy bill is due to their refrigeration system. By doing routine maintenance you can save 5--10 percent on fridge energy costs!

Commercial Refrigeration Maintenance Checklist

Here are a few basic maintenance tips:

Clean evaporator and condensing coils. This should be done about every 30 days. A harsh chemical could be damaging to the metal surfaces so try using three parts water and one part degreaser and a soft bristle brush! Also remember to scrub the coils up and down because doing it side to side will damage them.

Clean fan blades. Cleaning the fan blades will reduce drag. Just remove the fan cover and use the same solution that you used on the coils. Make sure you rinse when you are done! Also have a technician check the fan motor every once in a while.

Lubricate door hinges. If your door does not shut properly it will cause your unit to overwork to maintain the right temperature.

Check for decay. The insulation on the suction lines between the condensing unit and the evaporator coil could begin to decay. This will cause condensation and water damage if it is not taken care of.

We also have a few tips on how to save on energy costs:

Get strip curtains for walk-ins. This will minimize the amount of hot air that is entering the unit.

Don’t stack anything around the coil. This will restrict airflow and your unit will not perform as well.

Don’t leave the door propped open for long periods of time.

These simple solutions will increase the lifetime of your refrigeration unit and it will save you money. At least once a year you should have a trained professional inspect your unit. You can count on East Coast Refrigeration to take care of this for you! Contact us at (631) 249-4556.

For more tips visit us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube & Google+.