
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Optimal Temperatures for Commercial Refrigeration

Whether you run a convenience store or own a restaurant, it's important to keep a close eye on your refrigerator's temperature. Maintaining the right temperature is crucial to the taste, appearance and nutrition of just about any food. Most importantly, it keeps food safe.

What are the optimal temperatures for commercial refrigeration? Below, we've broken it down by equipment type:

On a more general note, commercial refrigeration units should never exceed 40 degrees, according to the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Freezers, of course, need to be kept even colder.

If you can't seem to get your commercial refrigeration unit to the right temperature, there are a few things to consider:
  1. With large units in particular, it may take some time for temperatures to stabilize
  2. Constantly opening and closing refrigerator doors makes it more difficult to maintain optimal temperatures
  3. Your thermostat's location could cause a false read
Want to learn more about optimal temperatures for commercial refrigeration? Contact East Coast Refrigeration at (631) 249-4556. Don't forget to connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and YouTube for more tips.

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