
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

How Parallel Racks Help Eliminate Leaks

East Coast Refrigeration has teamed up with Hillphoenix to offer its one-of-a-kind Parallel Rack system. What makes this Parallel Rack system unique is that all designs take advantage of a Zero Leak Initiative, which requires less refrigerant over time. Let's take a closer look at how parallel racks help eliminate leaks:

Photo courtesy of Hillphoneix

Zero Leak Initiative

Hillphoenix's Zero Leak Initiative aims to eliminate leaks in your store, and that's something we can get behind. These systems use pre-bent tubing, which means fewer brazed connections are used. Only certified brazing experts handle brazed connections. Furthermore, components from outside suppliers must also be leak-free. Finally, quality control ensures that all fittings and joints must be tested for leaks.

Refrigerant Management Options

There's plenty of flexibility when it comes to your refrigerant options. These are designed to not only reduce the initial refrigerant charge, but also decrease leak rate in your locations. Options include:
  • Split condenser controls and valves
  • Receiver rupture disc and gauges
  • Leak detection systems
  • & More!
To learn more about East Coast Refrigeration's Hillphoenix Parallel Rack system designs, click here. If you'd like to speak with one of our expert technicians, dial (631) 249-4556 today! Plus, don't forget to check us out on Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

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